Your name and role in the Steeplechasers:
Greta Young, Volunteer Committee Chair

How long have you been a member? How long have you been in this role?
I’ve been a member of the Steeplechasers since October 2022. I’ve been in my role since November 2023.
Are you training for anything in particular right now?
I’m training for the Frederick Half Marathon, hoping for a new personal best! I’m participating in (and coaching!) our Half Marathon Training Group.

Do you have any running partners?
I have lots! Group runs are my favorite part of being in the club and I’m always running with someone new. I’ve found so many running buddies over the years. I most often run with Paul Lively, Johanna Schick, Dorian Young, and Devin Abshire.
Tell us a little bit about your role in the Steeplechasers.
As the Volunteer Committee Chair, it’s my job to foster a strong sense of volunteerism within the club. I primarily do this by recruiting club members for volunteer opportunities. We always have a variety of open volunteer positions. I match up club members to positions where they will most likely thrive best. I take into account their interests, availability, experience, and skills to find the perfect role for them. I constantly encourage club members to volunteer by directly reaching out to individuals, advertising on our social media pages, and making call-outs in our club email newsletter.
What’s your favorite part about it?
I enjoy giving back to the Steeplechasers, both through my own time spent volunteering and by encouraging other members to get involved. This club offers so much to its members – training programs, signature races, opportunities to socialize and make new friends, and an uplifting community of runners. It feels good to put my energy back into the organization through my volunteerism.
If you could impart one piece of wisdom to the Steeps, what would it be?
Volunteer for your running club! The FSRC is 100% volunteer-driven. The club wouldn’t be what it is without the hard work and dedication of our volunteers. There is so much work put in behind the scenes to create a friendly, organized, and fun club environment. I strongly encourage every club member to volunteer at least once, whether it’s giving an hour of your time to help at a race or taking on a leadership role. Every single moment makes a big difference.