Looking for a way to be more involved in Steeplechasers and make a difference in the community? We’re looking for a new race director for the Summer Solstice 8K, scheduled for June 19, 2021 (pandemic permitting). This twilight race with an awesome after-party is in its 6th year and we have it in great shape for a new race director. The logistics are well-documented and we have a great committee, including mentoring by our Signature Race coordinator, Harriet Langlois. If you have time, attention to detail, and moderate technical skills, this might be the volunteer position for you. 

FSRC is committed to serving the running community with quality races while supporting local nonprofits. The SS8K race has raised nearly $100,000 for the Frederick chapter of Blessings In A Backpack since 2016 and they are counting on us again in 2021. Food insecurity is a particularly critical problem right now, and BIAB does a great job feeding hungry kids.

Please contact Harriet Langlois at harriet.langlois@steeplechasers.org for info.
