Committee Positions

Looking to get involved with a club committee? Look no further! No matter your talents, interests, or available time, we have a job for you. Committee information and contact information is listed below:


Chair: Aidan Callery


The Communications Committee keeps members up-to-date with what is happening in the club, promotes local races, and keeps FSRC visible in the community. If you’ve got a knack for writing, communications, marketing, social media, PR, or otherwise spreading the word, this is the committee for you.

Sub-Committees and Positions

  • Club Newsletter – Bi-monthly email newsletter of upcoming events and activities  Editor: Aidan Callery,
  • Intervals Blog – Quarterly blog featuring articles of interest to members, including club activities and educational pieces by local professionals, Editor: Pamela Lesch,
  • Support our Premium Race Promotions marketing activities – Promoting local races, Harriet Langlois,
  • Public Relations – Marketing FSRC to the community through articles in local publications and events, Louis Schiavone,
  • Social Media – FSRC is active on Facebook and Instagram to promote the club and also to provide a space for members to communicate with each other about all things running.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Maintain and use social media platforms to promote the club and recruit new members
  • Manage the email marketing system: coordinate with race directors, maintain distribution lists, draft content, and schedule message distribution
  • Write content for the Intervals Blog or Newsletter
  • Write articles on club activities for submission to area publications
  • Take pictures at Steeplechaser events and races

Community Outreach

Chair: Kelly Spore


The Steeplechasers are committed to supporting the larger Frederick community via fitness, friendship, and athletic development of both members and the community at large. The Community Outreach Committee engages with the community, local businesses and local government.

  • Community engagement related to Frederick’s Runner-Friendly City designation, Runner-Friendly Business listing, Run-to-Work day, etc.
  • Government engagement through attendance of running-related committee meetings, e.g., the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Recruit businesses to participate in the Runner-Friendly Business listing
  • Attend government committee meetings
  • Watch for opportunities from Chamber of Commerce which would benefit or otherwise be of interest to the club


Co-Chairs: Erin Snyder and Ruth Taylor


The Competition Committee encourages fun (and friendly!) competition and participation within the Steeplechasers membership, with an emphasis on supporting local races.

Sub-Committees and Positions

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Direct one of the Decathlon events by purchasing relay prizes and being in charge of the evening’s events
  • Organize a Decathlon event by assigning timers and collecting finisher cards
  • Create a relay or track event that helps teach runners a particular aspect of running technique
  • Support chair in racing team activities and management
  • Assist in selection of series races each year
  • Assist in nomination and selection of annual award winners
  • Help organize gifts for the annual banquet

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Chair: Open


The DEI Committee will bring awareness to club leadership and members on topics pertaining to diversity (racial, social, sexual, and gender), achieving equity, and fostering inclusion for all members. This is done through

  • development of the club’s DEI strategy
  • planning and coordinating DEI training for club leadership and coaches
  • supporting club and recruitment messages so they are sensitive to DEI
  • serving as a liaison to minority groups
  • providing educational resources and a platform to engage in dialogue with our members to increase the understanding and need for DEI within the running community
  • improving inclusion, visibility, and access of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and other marginalized groups within the running community

Volunteer Opportunities

  • support the DEI committee towards ensuring inclusion for everyone regardless of background
  • members of diverse backgrounds are encouraged to participate to bring all perspectives to the committee


Chair: Heather Rook


The Finance Committee keeps track of all things monetary on behalf of the club, ensuring that we can continue to offer affordable programs and benefits to members and support the Frederick running community. The Committee manages the club’s annual budget, oversees bookkeeping, handles tax and other Maryland state filing requirements, and manages insurance, dues and other RRCA requirements.


Chair: Tim O’Keefe

Equipment Management

  • Organize club equipment in the storage unit and maintain club equipment inventory.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Support club bookkeeping operations
  • Assist with paperwork for Maryland taxes and other state filing requirements
  • Support race services financial management (scheduling, contracts, invoicing)

FSRC Memorial Scholarship

Chair: Crista Horn


The FSRC Memorial Scholarship Committee was set up in memory of Steeplechasers who gave back to the community. Net proceeds from the annual Rick’s Run are used to fund the scholarship, awarded to Frederick-area high school seniors who have made a difference in the running community.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Support the scholarship committee in reviewing applications and recommending scholarship recipients


Chair: Barb Cosgrove


We’re a running club, and that means we wouldn’t be much of anything without our members! The Membership Committee attracts and welcomes new members to the club and supports existing members, as well as developing new benefits for club members. We work closely with other committees to identify the best ways to bring members to various club activities.

Sub-Committees and Positions

  • Membership Benefits – Ensuring that members receive access to club benefits such as free training, race discounts, education nights, and members-only Facebook group
  • Membership Registration – Utilizing RunSignUp to help manage member registration

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Suggest new social activity ideas for members
  • Welcome new members by participating in new member “Meet and Greet” runs
  • Help maintain and enhance use of social media to promote the club and recruit new members
  • Staff expo table at Frederick Running Festival
  • Assist with new programs and activities for the benefit of our club members


Chair: John Duffy


The Nominating Committee solicits nominations for the Executive Board and recommends a slate of Executive Board members for the next election. This committee is formed by the Executive Board from club members who are active in the club and acquainted with other active members who are likely to be candidates.

Race Services

Chair: Lou King


The Race Services Committee provides timing, course marking, and promotion services to race directors in the local Frederick community.  Our services are a low-cost alternative for small (less than 500 finishers) races. Our experienced volunteers provide services for 10 to 20 local races annually, aiding community organizations in their efforts to raise money for charitable causes.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Provide finish line and course-marking support for client races; time commitments are normally one to two hours per event. See the FSRC Volunteer Opportunities Page to sign up.


Chair: Harriet Langlois

Contact individual race directors

The Races Committee is all about the club races. This includes four free low-key races for members (Lewis Run 10 Miler, Wild Trail 5K/10K, the Independence 5000, and the Pie Run), as well as our higher-profile Signature club races that are promoted to the regional running community. Signature races are designed to provide a first-class race experience to the running community as well as raise funds for local non-profits and the club’s own community projects.

Sub-Committees – Low-Key Races

Sub-Committees – Signature Races

Volunteer Opportunities

  • To join the planning committee for any of our Signature Races, send an email to the race director (listed above).
  • To volunteer in a more limited capacity for any of our races see our see the FSRC Volunteer Opportunities Page.

Racing Team

Chair: Edwin Marroquin


The racing team assembles and recognizes talented and competitive members of FSRC and promotes distance running among club members. The team also increases the visibility of FSRC within the broader running community.

Social Committee

Chair: Open


Social activities include the annual banquet, summer picnic, weekly pub runs, finish-line tents at big local races, such as the Frederick Half, and other fun social events throughout the year.

Sub Committee

Breakfast Runs
Co-Chair: Karen Ochs

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Help set up/staff/break down club tent at local races such as the Frederick Half
  • Host a winter breakfast run
  • Support organizing the summer picnic and annual banquet


Chair: Carolyn DiMaria


Merch! We have merch! The Store Committee handles all official Steeplechasers merchandise, including singlets, seat covers, and other cool runner accessories.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Process sales
  • Maintain inventory and online sales portal
  • Choose and order new inventory items


Chair: Lou King


The Technology Committee designed (and maintains) this beautiful website, and simplifies volunteer activities through the power of automation.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Support web site design and automation activities using web design languages (e.g., html, php, javascript)
  • Update web content – does not require as much technical ability as web design
  • Assist with results processing for club series standings

Trail and Ultra Running

Chairs: Billy Clem and Michele Jacoby


Whether you prefer 5k’s or 100-milers, this program meets the needs of runners who prefer dirt beneath their feet. 


Chair: Caren Clark and Sue Searcy


Organized, coached training programs for all levels – Co-Ed 5k, Women’s 5k, Half Marathon, Marathon, 50k

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Coach or pace for a training program
  • Organize educational events with local professionals
  • Organize group runs including planning routes and aid
  • Assist with training plan development
  • Facilitate Education Nights several times a year by coordinating with local professionals to give presentations or workshops on topics of interest to our membership.
  • If you are a local professional in a running related field, give a presentation at an education night or training program group run
  • Assist with planning of training runs including determining route and aid drop off
  • Assist with maintenance of the Facebook page
  • Lead/pace training groups


Chair: Greta Young


Provides support to FSRC Committees as well as the Club overall for volunteer opportunities.

  • Assist with finding volunteers for the club
  • Maintain the club’s talent database 
  • Track volunteer contribution throughout the year
  • Select/design and procure gifts for the club’s volunteers
  • Assist with volunteer recognition at the annual member meeting


Volunteer Appreciation Program – Recognizing the efforts of key volunteers each year

Youth Training Programs

Chair: Open


Organized, coached training programs for all levels of youth.

  • Panthers Running Club – FSRC conducts an after-school running program at Lincoln Elementary School for 2nd through 5th graders. Chad Ahalt
  • Spires Youth Running Club – The Spires is our training program designed specifically to meet the developmental needs of youth runners ages 7 to 14. The team competes in local youth cross country races in the fall, and track races in the spring. Michele Jacoby