After over a year of discussions and deliberations on logo design, the FSRC board has decided to make some minor changes to our logo. The logo is now arched, with the words FREDERICK STEEPLECHASERS RUNNING CLUB having a consistent font. There were also some slight changes to the steeple design, and a very minor change…
March 28 9:00 a.m. – Heros for the Arts 5k at Baker Park. If you can help contact…
April 9 at 6:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. – Two sessions, please sign up on Facebook under events. Amy Goldsmith will discuss Fueling on the Run (macronutrients, vitamins and minerals, fueling for short and long runs, hydration, caffeine, and nutrition myths). 700 Montclaire Avenue, Suite A, Frederick, MD.…
Do you own a business? Work for a community-minded employer? The Frederick Steeplechasers are offering sponsorship opportunities for the Frederick Women’s Distance Festival. A sponsorship provides great marketing exposure and benefits the Frederick community through our contribution of net proceeds to the The Women’s Giving Circle of Frederick County, Maryland. Visit the sponsor …
March 21 8:00 a.m. – East All Saints Street Parking Deck. Long run at a slow, conversational pace – course will be posted on Facebook. Please keep an eye out for participants who are unfamiliar with Frederick. If you are not running and can help with water stops, please contact Billy at …
March 19 5:30 at Magoo’s on 2nd Street. We have lots to celebrate – Spring, St. Paddy’s Day, and our wonderful 2014 Volunteers. The happy hour is open to everyone and we will show our appreciation for our 2014 volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to help on the Membership Committee or Volunteer Appreciation …
The RRCA Club Challenge will not be rescheduled. For those of you interested in the MD Grand Prix series, the race will be replaced by the HCS Metric Marathon, on Sep 20. Note this is on the same date as Rick’s Trail Run, which is an FSRC Grand Prix event. The competition committee is looking…
Have you been to a fun race lately? Do you have a running experience you would like to share? Is there an upcoming event you would like to tell us about? If so, please write an article, MS Word preferred, with accompanying pictures and submit by March 14 to Malcolm at…
Interested in helping out with finish line or course marking this year? Go to the Steeps Volunteer page at for the monthly calendar of races we are supporting. Contact Mark at to let him know which races you can help with.…
March 7 8:00 a.m. – Karen Ochs will host the final breakfast run of the winter season with 3, 6, and 9 mile options. And additional 3 miles can be added for those looking for more mileage. Please e-mail Karen at to get directions and let her know what you will bring to share.…
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