This week’s incredible member spotlight is on Sharon Pieczenik:

I moved to Frederick in May of 2023 and am loving it! Back in the Fall of 2022, I stayed in an Air BnB for a month to check out the town. While exploring, I joined the Steeplechasers and went on a couple Wednesday pub runs. I hadn’t run for about a decade; it was time to get back into shape and making new friends. The welcoming Wednesday Pub runners, and emphasis on building community, helped sway me to move to Frederick and I hadn’t looked back since. I joined the Women’s Distance Festival training group that is training for the 5k race on August 5th. I am meeting a ton of lovely people and seeing aerobic growth along the way. Having a concrete goal and accountability buddies has made getting back into the discipline of running much easier. I am proud to say that I finished the recent Steeplechasers Indy 5000 race with mile splits I was proud of. I am looking forward to seeing if I can beat that time in August at the Women’s Distance Festival!
